[Photo By: Gabrielle Kai]

Monday, March 14


So my co-workers decided that Sunday would be the day that we would drive out to see the French animated film The Illusionist. I've been excited about this movie, and was excited to see it with everyone! Naturally, plans don't always work out as planned. Pretty much everyone wasn't able to go for some reason or other which was understandable... but I was still up for it, and so was Jasper. So we went anyway. Drove all the way to Pasadena to find out that the theater we watched it at was actually a "cheap seats" theater so it was only $3 for a ticket! It made the drive up there a whole lot better. Now we know it's the Cheap Seat theater! I plan to go back up there again soon and just spend the day to hang out. I really enjoyed it every time I've visited, but I'd like to just wander around and see what I find the next time I'm there with a group of friends.

Oh, by the way, the movie was great. I really enjoyed it- the animation, the sweet melody throughout the film, the characters, the landscapes, the fact that Jasper fell asleep about 3 times because of sheer tiredness and not because of boredom, the magicians posture/mannerisms, the ventriloquist, the story line, pretty much everything... it was definitely a great film. I want to watch it again because I feel like I'd be able to catch a lot of things I didn't catch the first time around. I'll wait for the DVD though. Tonight was definitely a good time.

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