[Photo By: Gabrielle Kai]

Friday, March 11

Sorry Charlie!

Whenever I get the chance to actually sit down and watch the News, there are usually stories of things going wrong in the world; natural disasters, weather warnings, bad people doing bad things... some might not affect me personally, but I think it's important to know about what's going on. Sometimes when I news-surf, it seems that every news channel covers pretty much the same stories at the exact same time. It's kind of like when you listen to the radio, and the sponsors come up and you finally decide to change the station but then every station ever created is hosting the best deals on dream vacations and shake weights and stuff...


One story that I've been hearing about for the past couple of months, that also doesn't affect me, but should probably be left alone by now, is Charley Sheen's life crises. Okay. Really news... stop it already! I BEG OF YOU! I understand that he's going through tough times, but so are the rest of the people living on the planet. For crying out loud, just an hour ago they were covering breaking news in Japan because of an 8.9 Earthquake and a 13 foot tsunami! Lo and behold... Charlie Sheen's crisis #89023811908307538 was the story riiiight after. WHY!?!?!? I don't get it.

I'm not a "hate" of Charlie Sheen, no, I am just sick of hearing about the same things... and how Two & A Half Men needs to come to a halt every 4 months.

I think the 5 minutes used to update his problems should be directed towards things more important. I can't really blame it on him though, seeing as the news doesn't find stories anymore so much as they are finding 'news' stories on celebrities going back to jail for DUIs and their lost puppies. Out of all of the other horribly tragic things that go on day to day, I feel like his problems should be the least of our worries. I beg of the news, just stop! I can't stand hearing a new Charlie Sheen update. The last 7 or 8 times I watched the news, he was there to end the show. I get it! We all get it! I can't believe it's bothered me this much to write 3 full paragraphs... but it has, and I'm sure it's bothered other people. At least create a Charlie Sheen news minute at the same time every night so we know when to flip the channel, and come back when it's done.

PS- It isn't news anymore... more like OLD NEWS!

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