Hmm, I can't recall what exactly happened starting the 20th, but I can recall that it was just as busy as any other week. Basically it was the last week to get things together before Christmas. I am not fond of doing things last minute, but that's how things usually play out for me unfortunately. I remember driving around back and fourth to a lot of shops (sometimes multiple times a day) to pick up presents or things that I forgot. Anyway, shopping was happening around the clock; either it was me, my brothers, or my sister that needed to get something for someone. We didn't want to forget anyone!
I remember going over to my friend Hannah's house at least once a night this week to work on our gifts for our friends and family. I also remember that we were all over the place. I'm technically not even finished. I plan to finish my friend's gifts tomorrow if I have enough extra time. I've got quite a few deadlines comin' up... starting tomorrow. Everything before, during, and after the holidays are crazy. It's a love hate feeling I have towards it. I love getting things together and figuring out the perfect gifts to get people... but I hate the stress that comes along with it! It's inevitable.
Christmas eve I found myself exhausted. So exhausted. I know I am if I'm falling asleep everywhere I go and wanting to take naps every 30 minutes. Either way, I got out of that little lull and eventually got back to work. I was able to finish everything I planned (except the stuff I have to finish Monday) while even fitting in a little bit of dinner with the family at a restaurant. MMmmmm... thanks to my cousin. Oh yeah! My sister emailed me saying that her package arrived and that she was going to open it Christmas morning... talk about perfect timing =].
Christmas!!... I woke up late, slept in, and definitely enjoyed every minute of it. Right when I got up, I didn't even fix myself up. I just got straight to wrapping. I think I wrapped over 30-40 gifts this morning. Started around 11:30 and didn't really finish until everyone showed up around 5:30! Insane. I didn't know what I was on, but I just kept wrapping and wrapping and wrapping.
Speaking of wrapping!
I've started a new gift wrapping tradition. Well, I started it earlier this month... but let me give a little background to why. In short: I didn't have time/ money to go out and buy wrapping paper. Instead, I found a bag of cloth and bedsheets that I'd saved over the months. I was planning to make different types of wallets out of them but never got around to it. I guess it's a good thing that I didn't because now the only thing I'm wrapping my presents with is fabric! I don't know how I didn't come across this idea before but I'm glad that I did. It just makes so much sense.
- I saved money
- I saved time (literally takes me 2 minutes to wrap/tie presents now.
- I didn't get one paper cut!
- Didn't use one piece of tape on any present
- I already reused it 2 times today... (after politely asking for the fabric back)
- You can pull and tug as much as you want... no wrinkles or tares!
- Nothing needs to be thrown away because you can simply reuse the gift wrapping fabric!
My sister was amazed... she has also decided to never go back to wrapping paper. If the only thing I learned this year is to never buy wrapping paper again... then I'm satisfied (sad...) but oh well! There's so many ways you can wrap it and make it unique, I just love it. I really love it.
Moving on... For Christmas this year, I didn't really want anything. Well, I guess I didn't want anything but there were things that I needed. Things that I'll need in the future. So I found this opportunity to ask for those things. I am really happy with what I received this year. I woulda been happy with one of the things I asked for!
I got:
- Rain boots ( I figure once you have one pair, you'll never need another)
- A backpacking backpack. For this summer and any other trip I'll go on!
- Comfortable walking/ running shoes. (Also for this summer, but something I'll put to use as much as possible!)
- An easel! It's definitely a pain in the ass, back, shoulders (and everything for that matter) to paint on the ground in one single spot. Really messes my body up. I've always wanted/needed one of these bad boys and I'm thankful that I have one now.
- A sweater, 2 gift cards, and 2 dresses that I love (which was more than I expected!!)
All in all, I am thankful and happy.
My brothers and sisters and entire family that came over tonight were happy as well... they loved their presents.
Okay. Enough of that.
Here are some pictures from today... more from this past week will be up sometime. Who knows.
[ The presents I wrapped Christmas Eve ]
[ Meet Owly, my official Christmas ornament this year... and forever. I'll try and think of another name for him later. ]
[ Our Christmas Tree and other gifts that my family brought over to exchange. ]
[ A little project I've been workin' on. Still in progress. ]
[ Merry Christmas! ]
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