Started off work a little off because I showed up late, but it wasn't so bad. Pretty mellow for the most part. Hannah met with me and we got some lunch before my second shift. I decided to try out a Pizza place called Pizza Pi over near my work. As we were waiting for our food by the window, I spotted a puppy running loose on a busy one way street during lunch time. It was awful. I thought someone's dog got loose but it ended up being a stray. So as soon as I noticed it I ran out and tried to call it over to me before something terrible happened. I probably would have been crying for days if I saw a dog getting hit by a car =[. Luckily it ran back to the sidewalk and out of the streets. Eventually I notice 3 other people trying to get the dog to come to me... sure enough the pup ran straight into the pizza parlor we were eating at. Phew! A lady came by and brought it to the pet store down the street... safely. One of the workers who noticed said it was such a nice gesture on our part, that he let us have free drinks! Despite the fact that I don't like sodas and rarely drink them, I took his offer anyway because he really seemed to want to give me something.
I walked to work a little bit after... by the way, the pizza was AMAZING... Pesto pizza with sun dried tomatoes, artichoke, and mushrooms-- YUMM! Definitely going back there again. Anyway, work was extreeemely mellow again. Thankfully I brought my computer, I was able to put some new tunes onto my library, which is always a plus! Not that it was torturous or anything, but the two and a half hours that i was there, felt like 4; today definitely had a Sunday vibe to it. Right before I was about to clock out and leave, an old friend (of a friend) I used to see often came in. It was definitely a nice surprise, so I ended up clocking out and sat for a while and we caught up and had a nice little chat. I never really talked to him before but it was definitely nice to have things to talk about! After the pleasant surprise, I headed home.
Before class I was debating whether or not I was going to go. I know, shameful. I do this a lot. I wonder, "well, there isn't much that I can do there that's any different than what I can do at home..." and I weigh it out, and it turns into a 50/50 toss up for me. But I decided it's about time I go and take advantage of the actual time I have that's supposed to be set for working on my projects. So I did, and I'm especially glad I went tonight, because I was on a roll. Our assignment is to work on 2 abstractions to turn in, and a third if we wanted to turn in extra credit. I'm usually lucky to finish one painting, but I feel like I can do at least 2 in 4 hours (which is unheard of if I compare that to the amount of time it takes me to paint something realistic and "perfect" which is what I'm used to). Anywho, I was able to finish 2 in about 3 hours. I was pretty pumped on that, and I'm pretty happy with the way they turned out! Experimentation has always been my strong suit... so I don't know why I never tried it out before. All I know is I'll be going through my tubes of paint a lot faster than I'd expected. That's okay though, as long as I'm happy with my results.
I met up with Michelle after school, and grabbed a bite to eat; Taco Tuesday at Hole Mole. The only sucky thing about that, is I order the same thing every time I go in, and it never counts as part of the "Taco Tuesday" deal. Really? It's a taco, and it's Tuesday... I should be able to get it for $1. Anyway, there's never any use in trying to debate... I never win. Plus, I'm willing to pay for the food I usually order since it's delicious. When we got there, I ran into my old coworker and we caught up a bit as well. That was nice. It was way too crowded and noisy to get in any real words, so we decided to catch up all together some other time soon.
Now I'm home.
And I'm semi-tired.
I've still got a lot of things on my mind, but I suppose I'll just save it for tomorrow.
I just need to take the time I have off, to relaax; I know I'll be begging for it later when I'm completely exhausted with my normal hectic schedule.
[ Woods: Suffering Season =]
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