[Photo By: Gabrielle Kai]

Friday, January 14

6 Hours of Gooey Goodness

Today at work, I had a goal: To bake as much as I could before I left. I was only planning on doing double batches of 2 different cookies... but man, did I go crazy. I arrived at 11am and didn't finish until 4:30!

First Cookie: Peanut Butter Blossoms!
Second Cookie: Snickerdoodle Chews!
Third Cookie: Red Velvet Double Choc-O-Latte Cookies! (half of the batch had walnuts =)
Fourth Goodie: Strawberry-Lemonade Bliss Bars!

The fourth goodie was literally on a whim, I thought I was done after the Red Velvet cookies but got a rush of energy and whipped them up within the last hour. So happy with what I made today. Since I wasn't going to be working at this location this week, I had to stock up a bit. Anywho, I'm satisfied (and really tired) but I'm excited to see what else I'll make!


[ I may have nibbled a bit on the snickerdoodle chew }

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