[Photo By: Gabrielle Kai]

Saturday, February 12

My Saturday Thrift Score...

A pretty memorable experience at the Thrift store today. I went after a long day of work to make myself feel better. Sad. But I'm glad I went on this particular day. Oddly, I wasn't looking for anything specific but for some reason, I KEPT FINDING GEMS! Really. Not only were most of the clothes 40% off, BUT when I went to check out, the lady ringing me up gave me a little pointer (by the way she's my favorite lady who is always so nice to me and tells me how to cheap their system... or so I like to think). She asked me, "do you have a lot of stuff today?" and I replied, "sorta..." The total amount would have been around 80 bucks total for the stuff I got (I'm a real bargain hunter, and cheap skate when it comes to things especially found in thrift stores). I'm not insanely frugal, but when I see a simple sweater priced more than 4 or 5 bucks at a second hand store... somethin's goin' on. Anyway, as I was tabbing out all of my clothes in my head, she said "just fill up that red bag and I can sell it to you for $29.99. I said "ARE YOU SERIOUS?!..." Her response: Yes, just grab a bag. And mind you, the bag was a descent sized paper grocery bag that you'd find at a Trader Joe's or Ralphs... it was probably bigger. I stuffed that bag like no tomorrow. After I thought I couldn't fit anymore, she even took the rest that I was going to pay for separately and added it to the top, and she even asked me if I had any more! She's a wonderful woman. I couldn't go back and look anymore, I would have been there all day. So I decided to let my greed slide, and left with a HEAPING pile of clothes that was now ripping through the corners... and saved 50 bucks! Ahh! amazing! amazing! I was pumped. Anyone who knows me personally can imagine the shock I was in. It definitely turned my long day right side up again. Oh yeah, so aside from the 40% that I already saved from the sale, I then saved the 50 bucks. And that is what I call a Thrift Score. I pretty much lucked out. But hey! Now I know when the right days to go and do it all over again.

I scored a week ago at another thrift store by my school actually... it wasn't on clothes though. It was on an AMAZING duplicate of a painting by Vincent Van Gogh. It's from his Sunflowers collection from the late 1800's. I thiiiink it's Sunflowers #3?? I haven't really looked up on it yet, but I saw it and it's so spot on from the original that I THOUGHT it was the original. Yes, I flipped out a bit when I found it on the floor faced down. Luckily I picked it up to put back and instantly fell in love enough to put it in my cart. That was a great find and is now hanging near my bed =].

Lovely week filled with such great finds. SUCH great finds.

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